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History Life in Equestria. History of Sunset Shimmer | In-Depth My Little Pony Character Episode 11 In this video I will overview the history and origins on Sunset Shimmer who is the protagonist of the Equestria. Film. A Live Action Sunset Shimmer in a "Equestria Girls" Music Video "You're about to see how MEAN I CAN GET!" (Sunset enraged as she threatens Wallflower, as she backs away scared as Sunset is about to take the stone by force. Sunset Shimmer, first introduced as a malicious high school bully, becomes friends with Applejack, Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Pinkie. She also has cyan eyes. parker rhoden funeral home inc obituaries ️ Suscríbase al canal oficial de My Little Pony: https://bit. Sunset Shimmer, My Little Pony Wallpaper, My Little Pony Picture"> Get Wallpaper. Ages: 36 months - 18 years. Sunset Shimmer aparece em My Little Pony Equestria Girls: Jogos da Amizade, competindo na equipe dos Wondercolts no evento de motocross nos Jogos da Amizade. 19 hours from now If they ever confirm G5 EG, I bet they'll go for this possibility, even though it still would've been awesome to see a sci-fi pony series. History of Sunset Shimmer | In-Depth My Little Pony Character Episode 11 In this video I will overview the history and origins on Sunset Shimmer who is the protagonist of the Equestria. Film. Helping you find the best home warranty companies for the job. Hmm, we've never seen that color of magic before. Replacing the crown. lebold smith funeral home obituaries History of Sunset Shimmer | In-Depth My Little Pony Character Episode 11 In this video I will overview the history and origins on Sunset Shimmer who is the protagonist of the Equestria. Film. ….

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